Watch this small town, teepee dwelling, ADHD-wildchild move to the big city of San Francisco with film making dreams, and instead become the dirtiest comedian in town. Watch, from the edge of your seat, as he barefootedly -with Mother Nature herself behind him- rails against the well-heeled bumper sticker liberals and the tech-moguls that surround him. Is he just a gutter-dwelling filth merchant? Or a mystic champion of free expression? You’ll just have to see, when you crack open the seditious new memoir, Dirty Comedian!

Dirty Comedian.

Buy the new memoir!

Buy the stand-up album!

Buy the first memoir, Child Gladiators of Isla Vista!

Book Cover of The Goat Lady's Son and the Child Gladiators of Isla Vista

Buy the second memoir, Coconut Fisticuffs!

Book Cover of Coconut Fisticuffs

Watch this lady hit the dirty comedian in the face!

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Watch this lady hit the dirty comedian in the face!

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